Figure Candles for Rituals

Figure Candles for Rituals are very popular in rituals, as the figure depicted on the candle has a specific symbolic or energetic meaning that is associated with certain intentions or purposes. If you are looking for the best figure candles, at Candle Art we explain everything you need to know to attract and channel good vibes into your life.


Esoteric candles in figure

In this section we have the esoteric candles in figure, some different candles. It has been a long time since candles stopped having a circular and cylindrical shape to make way for a much more modern version. Consequently, they are the candles in shape of figure. Within our range we mainly highlight: 7-wick candle, skull candle, phallus candle, candle for mans and also candle man woman.

7 Wicks: The 7-wick candle is very forceful to destroy black magic.

Buddha: in different versions for every occasion.

Phallus: The phallus candle is for everything related to sexuality

Skull: synonymous with psychic strength. It is also a mental work candle.

Man Woman: for couple issues, it is a candle for couples itself.

Man-Man: for gay couples in sentimental matters and sex.

Woman-Woman: it is similar to the one above. It is designed for a lesbian couple.

Man-Woman Hugging Couple: it is also for the union of both.

Pyramid: it deals with different topics in its various versions.

Man and Woman alone (independent): they are for energetic cleanings.

Vagina: it is related to female sexuality.

Craft quality

In conclusion, Candle Art, always very aware of the trends and needs of the market, has wanted to introduce esoteric candles in figure into its repertoire. That little by little have become a necessity for the public and in general. It can be said that nowadays esoteric candles in figure are already strongly established in the uses; tastes, preferences and needs of the vast majority of all those people who are regular users of products from the esoteric world and the alternative sector; who therefore already use candles in shape of figure.